Monthly Archives: September 2013

Dearest Friend

Rapture me. Cross the line between us, the line that divides us, the line that lies. Cross it and take me. Take me in the way you truly want me. Take me in the way I truly want you and there is no turning back. You stand behind it afraid, not knowing what you really want or knowing and being too afraid to take it, to reach out and grab it, to touch it, to taste it. A boy who only talks and looks, words, words, words, waste me away. I tire of words, all I want is your action, be a man and take action on that which you desire. Take action on me once and for all. Be true. Be true and know that I do not want you to be my friend. I want you for what I seek, what I seek is passion, depths, pleasure, sex. So be it, own it, honor it, and accept that it’s what you want too. And let the games begin, I’m bored with your delays, your chatter. I want your skin, your sweat, your hands upon me. I want to feel you inside me.  Your hold on me is great. It cannot be denied. And it may be this way until I get what I want. What I want is you, your beauty, your essence, your body in raw sensuality, physicality on top of me, to touch me, to penetrate me on every level, leaving every fiber of my being, tingling, aching, wanting more. Or be my friend I suppose leaving me in perpetual wonder…